Saturday, March 12, 2016

Vienna, 1814: How the Conquerors of Napoleon Made Love, War, and Peace at the Congress of Vienna, David King

I know I took history in high school and college. And yet there is a giant gaping hole in what I know; I seem to have learned everything up to about the middle ages/Renaissance, and then suddenly I pick up again at World War I. (My US history was similar; it got as far as the Civil War, and then bam! World War II.)

Luckily this book is awesome. Totally readable, and weirdly fascinating, considering that NOTHING HAPPENED at the Congress of Vienna. They couldn't solve anything! No one agreed, no one met, the stupid thing never even had an opening ceremony. King does a great job introducing all the players from different countries and helping the reader keep them straight. I've hit a run of really good non-fiction lately, which is awesome.

Grade: B

Originally posted 2009

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