Saturday, March 12, 2016

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, Helen Simonson

This book suffered for not being what I wanted it to be; a nice seaside romance between two mismatched characters filled with witty British people. Sorry, book. Instead the Major is stuffy and full of himself, and his family are AWFUL; so horrible that i couldn't understand why he hadn't just walked out on them years ago, particularly his son. Anyway, the Major falls in love with the widow Mrs. Ali, who runs the local shop, and her family is awful too; they give away her books and hide her letters. Meanwhile all the people in town make snide remarks about her having to use the servants entrance and other hideously classist stuff which is probably realistic but not at all what I want in a novel about falling in love. I spent the whole thing angry and at the end I wanted Mrs. Ali to set her entire family on fire instead of inviting them to the wedding. Bah.

Grade: D

Originally posted 2010

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