Sunday, April 3, 2016

Veronica Mars: Mr. Kiss and Tell, Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham

I love the first season of Veronica Mars like I have loved almost no other television show, ever (Friday Night Lights, I guess, Farscape, Band of Brothers, NewsRadio). The second season has episodes worth watching and I don't talk about the third season, but the MOVIE WAS EVERYTHING, and so I've been delighted to read the post-movie books, where we explore Veronica's life as a P.I. and her relationship with Logan.

First things first: WHY ISN'T LOGAN IN THESE BOOKS MORE. I get that he's navy now, and it's great, and the scene at the end where he explains why he has to go back to the navy, yes, sure, was lovely and I love him. But he's BARELY IN these books, except when Veronica is panicking that their relationship won't work out.

Logan is great because he is Veronica's partner. In life, in crime, in love, whatever. He can keep up with her, he's as bad as she is, he's as twisted as she is, he's as soft inside as she is. LET LOGAN HELP VERONICA SOLVE MYSTERIES FFS, ROB THOMAS (whom, it must be said, I don't believe really wrote this book beyond the outline).

Yeah, I'm that kind of Veronica Mars fan.

Anyway, the mystery is typically Veronica Mars horrifying (a woman is nearly beaten to death and raped). It's hilarious how everyone in Neptune in these books is someone Veronica has met before, and hates. (Hey, Madison Sinclair.) It's not a book that is going to live forever as a classic mystery that will blow! your! mind! but it's a fun beach read, and I was at the beach. (Yes, the beach in April, where we sat inside and made a fire and watched TV. It was great.)

Grade: C
#32 in 2016

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