Saturday, November 26, 2016

Just One Damned Thing After Another, Jodi Taylor

I wanted to like this SO MUCH. It has a great premise -- time traveling scientist historians! Unfortunately, the writing doesn't hold up to the idea. The whole thing is told instead of shown -- our narrator will declare, "No one liked him, because he was such a jerk. But then I decided to give him a chance," and there is no example of him being a jerk, nor of why she wants to give him a chance. Things are just declared. The same with the historical action adventure scenes. They are sort of generally described as after the fact events. The book has the tone of wanting to be the Eyre Affair, but without the wit. I read 25% and decided I had other things to spend my time on.

Just go read the Eyre Affair, honestly.

Grade: DNF
#82 in 2016

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